Turnstone Ventures can help you understand the market, the opportunity and the customer. We focus on providing critical information – and helping you to translate that information into action for your business. For example …

Market Opportunity
•  How big is the U.S. or Japanese market for my product or service?
(… and what does that mean for my market entry plans, timing and budgets?)
• What is the competitive landscape for my business in the U.S. or Japan?
(… and where are my biggest opportunities as a Japanese or U.S. vendor?)
• What are current trends in the U.S. or Japanese market?
(… and what does that imply about my timing and approach?)

Customer Knowledge
• Would U.S./Japanese customers like my offerings?
(… and how should I modify them to make them more attractive?)
• Who are the best sales prospects for me and how do I find them?
(… and what does this mean for my sales and marketing strategy?)
• How can I increase our existing sales most effectively?
(… and where should I be prioritizing my efforts?)

Strategic Opportunities
• What companies would make good partners, and how do I assess their capabilities?
(… and how should I approach them?)
• What are the best sales channels to launch my product in the U.S.
(… and what does that mean for my staffing and budgets?)
• What are the biggest and most critical challenges to overcome?
(… and what should I be doing to prepare?)